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John Waiheʻe III, Former Governor


“Our islands are a special place in which people from around the world have come to call home. Our ability to embrace differences and diversity is the spirit of Aloha we hold dear. Removing Article 1, Section 23 from the HawaiÊ»i Constitution is an act of Aloha. It is time to correct this wrong from our past.”

Dan Foley, Former Judge


"Article I, Section 23 “is the only provision in our Bill of Rights that takes away rights rather than recognizes or grants rights. It’s the only provision in our state constitution designed and adopted to target and discriminate against a minority of our population, in this case, members of our LGBTQ community. Remove this discriminatory and unconstitutional provision from our Bill of Rights. Let the people vote once again. This time for civil rights!”

Dr. Amy Agbayani, Co-Chair Hawaiʻi Friends of Civil Rights

"Thirty years ago, I joined advocates for marriage equality but our efforts were inadequate and our constitution does not protect marriage equality for all of HawaiÊ»i’s families. I will be voting “YES” and respectfully urge those of you who also believe in dignity, fairness, non-discrimination, and civil rights for all, to vote “YES"."

Steve Levinson, Former Hawaiʻi Supreme Court Justice


"Today, the HawaiÊ»i Bill of Rights prohibits all sex discrimination by the State. Except for the Legislature’s “authority” to deny same-sex couples’ access to marriage. By passing this Constitutional Amendment, the State could not constitutionally deny marriage licenses to same-sex couples. To do so would be unlawful discrimination."

Kirk Caldwell, Former Honolulu Mayor


 "HawaiÊ»i has long been an accepting and tolerant place to live. This stems from the values found in Native Hawaiian culture and in those who have immigrated here and made HawaiÊ»i their home. The LGBTQ+ community is part of this fabric of our community. That is why it is so important to remove Article I, Section 23, ensuring the fundamental right to marry remains unaltered no matter the political winds that may reach HawaiÊ»i."

Adrian Tam, State Representative

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"Marriage equality is a civil right. Passing ballot question #1 will safeguard our state's legacy of protecting the freedom to marry for all who call Hawaiʻi home."

Stanley Chang, State Senator

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"Question 1 on this year’s General Election ballot is an opportunity for us to remove discriminatory language from the HawaiÊ»i State Constitution that was added nearly 30 years ago. Same-sex couples and families are part of the fabric of our local community and this is an opportunity for us to protect them. Vote “YES” this November to remove Article 1, Section 23.”

Camron Hurt, Program Director Common Cause Hawaiʻi

"You don’t have to be a member of the LGBTQ+ community to support that Community’s right to have a permissible and lawful marriage through the state government. HawaiÊ»i has time and time again stood for the civil rights of minority populations, and now this generation must heed the call to solidify the right to marriage by voting Yes on #1, the first question that will be on the ballot."

Rev. Dr. Cynthia Lynch, President Interfaith Alliance of Hawaiʻi


The Interfaith Alliance HawaiÊ»i supports marriage equality. We are in steadfast solidarity with the Vote YES for Marriage Equality referendum on the ballot this year. As an interfaith organization of clergy and lay people, we embrace the value of the compassionate ideal of diversity, equity, and inclusion for all people in our communities. 

We celebrated when the State of  HawaiÊ»i legalized same-sex marriage in December 2013. Now it is time to amend the language in the Hawaii State constitution to reflect the law.

Vote YES on the ballot in November.

Doug Chin, 14th Attorney General of Hawaiʻi


"Hawaiʻi has historically embraced and

fought for the civil rights and recognition of all people including the LGBTQ community. Leaving Article 1, Section 23 in the Constitution does not reflect today’s values, is confusing to an entire generation of residents, and, if there ever is a darker future chapter, could inflict harm."

Sergio Alcubilla, Executive Director Hawaiʻi Workers Center

"All workers deserve dignity on the job site and in the home. Family is an important pillar of our community and all families in Hawaii deserve dignity and respect. The HawaiÊ»i Workers Center supports the repeal of Article 1, Section 23 to remove discriminatory language from our constitution and to ensure all of HawaiÊ»i’s families are protected, respected, and treated equally under our laws.”

Organizational Allies

ACLU of Hawaii Logo
Hawaii LGBT Legacy Foundation Logo
Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement Logo
Papa Ola Lokahi Logo
Hawaii Health & Harm Reduction Center Logo
Hawaii State AFL-CIO Logo
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